Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Transcendentalism Meme Project

     My talent is music and my love of it. I play guitar and have been doing so for almost six years. I absolutely love it. Music became my outlet to express how I feel. While I don't expect to be a famous guitar player or something when I grow up, I expect to play guitar throughout my life.
     I began playing when my dad decided he wanted to start playing too. We learned to play guitar at the same time. To help excel my talent, I have taken lessons and been in several bands. Starting off, I was in a rock band with four other people. However, like all bands do, we broke up. Now, I am in a two person acoustic act with a talented singer.
     I didn't really "find out" about this talent. I wanted to learn to play guitar, so I did. I didn't just pick up a guitar and rock, I have to work at it for a long time.
     The first time I knew I loved guitar and wanted to play forever was the first time I got to sit down and play a song with my dad. We learned at the same time, and we were both so terrible. Playing guitar with him though, and just laughing and having a good time learning, I knew that I wanted to get good. I knew that I wanted to really commit to playing guitar.

Playing guitar has helped me express myself. I learned that negative emotions were only slowing me down. Whenever I got upset, I just went and played guitar and felt better.

The first time I had to preform on a stage in front of a crowd (because apparently that's what you do in a band), I was so terrified. However, I did it, I played more and more shows and actually grew to love preforming.

This is just a silly band picture me and my friend took. We are always trying to get creative and use our imaginations in band, like we were when we decided to sit on a table and stare at a wall for a photo. It took a lot of inspiration and imagination to write our own music. Writing our own music was a huge challenge at first, but we brainstorm and draw and just write whatever we feel when we feel it. For us, writing music is all about feelings and imagination.

This is a picture of one of the first shows I ever played. I was probably awful, but I had a great time. I was a complete amateur, and I still am compared to a lot of guitarists. However, I am going to stick with it and learn as much as I can.

The band that I used to be in got an opportunity to play at a music convention called NAMM in California. I took this picture while we were flying. Going to California was the first time I ever flew in a plane. It was scary but beautiful and exciting. It was the furthest I've ever been from home. It made me realize that there is a whole world out there that I desperately want to see.

This is a photo I took on a beach in California. It was beautiful sights like this that made me want to travel and also led to inspiration for writing music.

Just being in a band, I developed very close friendships with all of the members. This quote is so true. Words mean nothing without true meaning behind them. Friends are so important. 

Getting to go to California made me realize that accomplishing your goals gives you a chance to step back and appreciate everything that you've done to get to that point. How hard you've worked, how much time you put in. I feel like accomplishing your goals really can change you as a person, 

This is a concert I went to. I love listening to live music, but obviously concert tickets can get expensive. However, like this quote says, they true price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it, the amount of time you spend. When I go to a concert and have a great time and really feel something, the monetary value is meaningless. The true value of the concert was the experience. 

I want to blaze my own trail. I want to travel and explore and live life brilliantly. I want to sing and play guitar on the road and be happy. 

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