Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Salem Witch Trials Blog Response #2

     The website "You're Accused!" said I could probably swing fleeing, as long as I had connections. So hopefully in Salem I had connections or could find them after leaving. Fleeing isn't a terrible option. Confessing would have been best it seems, but your reputation in town is soiled forever. So you might as well leave anyway. My earlier opinion still stands. I think that I could make fleeing.

Salem Witch Trials Blog Response #1

     If I was accused of being a witch in Salem, I would flee. I'm sure this is not the right answer, but I'd give it a go. Of course, I have a modern view on this issue and cannot see why you couldn't just pack up and leave. Is it for your namesake? Are there not other towns nearby? Is it dangerous outside of town? I'm not sure, but I would flee Salem. Here are my reasons. First, it would be very unlikely that anyone would come after me. They wouldn't want to leave town. Next, I probably wouldn't be rich in Salem or have much of a family, so I wouldn't have anything to leave behind. Last, I like the wilderness and could probably survive until I made it to the next town over. I think that fleeing would be my option.